On Monday 11 April 2005 12:33 am, you wrote:
> Well, I followed some of the instructions to mirror the kernel tree on
> svn.clkao.org/linux/cvs, and although it took around 12 hours to import
> 28232 versions, I seem to have a mirror of it on my own subversion
> server now. I think the svn.clkao.org mirror was taken from bkcvs... the
> last log message I see is "Rev 28232 - torvalds - 2005-04-04 09:08:33"

I'd love to see svk as a real choice for you guys, but I don't mind as along 
as I get a door open using svn/svk ;);)

> I have no idea what's missing. What is everyone's favorite web frontend
> to subversion? 

Check out ViewCVS at: http://viewcvs.sourceforge.net/
This seem widely used (not just by me ^o^).

Christian Parpart.

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