On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 9:35 AM, Russell King - ARM Linux
<li...@arm.linux.org.uk> wrote:

> Ok.
> I'd ask for one change.  Please make all these messages start with
> "L2C-310 OF" not "PL310 OF:".  The device is described in ARM
> documentation as a L2C-310 not PL310.  (Also note the : is dropped
> too - most of the other messages don't have the : either.)
> The:
> "PL310 OF: cache setting yield illegal associativity
> PL310 OF: -1073346556 calculated, only 8 and 16 legal"

I have sent a patch to address this error message that happens when
"cache-size" and "cache-sets" properties are not passed in DT:
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