Jay wrote:
> The fork_connector is not designed to solve accounting data collection
> problem.

I don't think I ever said it was designed for that purpose.

Indeed, I will confess to not yet knowing the 'real' purpose of its

> It was never the fork_connector's
> intention to piggy back the data to the accounting file.

I am sure that was not its intention, and I can't imagine I would ever
have said it was.

> CSA needs a similar hook off do_exit() to
> collect more accounting data and write to disk in different
> accounting records format.

Aha - as I suspected - there will be more data to collect, in addition
to both the classic bsd accounting records at exit, and the <parent pid,
child pid> at fork.

                  I won't rest till it's the best ...
                  Programmer, Linux Scalability
                  Paul Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1.650.933.1373, 
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