
there seems to be a bug, at least for me, in kernel/param.c for arrays
with .num == NULL. If .num == NULL, the function param_array_set() uses
&.max for the call to param_array(), wich alters the .max value to the
number of arguments. The result is, you can't set more array arguments as
the last time you set the parameter.


# a module 'example' with
# static int array[10] = { 0, };
# module_param_array(array, int, NULL, 0644);

$ insmod example.ko array=1,2,3
$ cat /sys/module/example/parameters/array
$ echo "4,3,2,1" > /sys/module/example/parameters/array
$ dmesg | tail -n 1
kernel: array: can take only 3 arguments

Patch is against 2.6.12-rc1.

Signed-off-by: Bert Wesarg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- linux-2.6.12-rc1.orig/kernel/params.c       2005-03-27 14:44:00.000000000 
+++ linux-2.6.12-rc1/kernel/params.c    2005-03-27 14:45:55.000000000 +0200
@@ -314,9 +314,10 @@ int param_array(const char *name,
 int param_array_set(const char *val, struct kernel_param *kp)
        struct kparam_array *arr = kp->arg;
+       unsigned int temp_num;

        return param_array(kp->name, val, 1, arr->max, arr->elem,
-                          arr->elemsize, arr->set, arr->num ?: &arr->max);
+                          arr->elemsize, arr->set, arr->num ?: &temp_num);

 int param_array_get(char *buffer, struct kernel_param *kp)
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