Sorry for the late response.

Am Dienstag, den 01.03.2005, 13:08 +0100 schrieb Vojtech Pavlik:
> On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 09:11:49AM +0100, Kenan Esau wrote:
> > > This looks like it either expects some other data (like a second
> > > parameter to the command?) or just wants the 0x07 again (and not the
> > > whole command) to make sure you really mean it.
> > > 
> > > Could you try sending 0xe8 0x07 0x07?
> > 
> > My old driver did that. But with the same result. It doesn't seem to
> > matter what the first and the second bytes are -- the answers from the
> > device are alway the same.
> So even 0xe8 0x03 returns error?

No -- I meant only 0xe8 0x07 and 0xe8 0x06 . For those it doesn't matter
if you repeat the parameter or send something else. The answers from the
device for those command/parameters are always the same.

> Maybe we should send a command after this (any command), to make sure
> the 
>       psmouse->set_rate(psmouse, psmouse->rate);
> call succeeds and is not confused by the 0xfc response.

OK -- I will send the command after 0xe8 0x07 twice.

> > > > At the end of this mail you'll find some traces I did.
> > > > 
> > > > I also wonder if it is possible at all to probe this device. I think
> > > > not. IMHO we should go for a module-parameter which enforces the
> > > > lifebook-protokoll. Something like "force_lb=1". Any Ideas /
> > > > suggestions? 
> > > 
> > > I'd suggest using psmouse.proto=lifebook
> > 
> > The current patch has implemented it that way. But the meaning is a
> > little bit different. With proto=lifebook you ENFORCE the lifebook
> > protocol. As far as I read the meaning of the other ones this does not
> > really enforce these protocols.
> That's OK. I'd like to keep the DMI probing as well, though, so it's not
> absolutely necessary to provide the parameter.

You mean if the device is in the appropriate DMI-database use the
lifebook protocol and if the parameter is provided use it also (although
it might not be in the DMI database)? 

> > > > How does this work out with a second/external mouse?
> > > 
> > > The external mouse has to be in bare PS/2 mode anyway, so we don't need
> > > to care.
> > 
> > Why that?
> Can you send any commands to the external mouse? How the touchscreen
> reacts when the mouse starts sending 4-byte responses? 

No idea yet -- I will test this.

> We process the
> external mouse packets inside lifebook.c anyway and we don't have any
> support for the enhanced protocols there.

Ah OK. 

I personally never used an external mouse. But last weekend I played
around a little bit and recognized that there are some BIOS-settings
which control the behavior of the touchscreen, quickpoint-device and
external mouse. I have to play around with those a little bit more. But
as far as I can see you can never have all three at the same time.

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