> BTW, I note that "extern struct pstore_info *psinfo" locates in
> fs/pstore/internal.h. So users out of directory "fs/pstore/" can not use 
> pstore to
> record messages. We do not want other kernel users to use pstore, right?  And 
> can we
> break this?

Yes we can make some interface visible to the rest of the kernel ... probably
not the raw "*psinfo" though. Perhaps the pstore_alloc_ring_buffer() and
pstore_write_ring_buffer() functions should be the ones exported to the
rest of the kernel.

> ditoo.. Since other backends like efi and erst may can not privide such ring 
> buffer.
> So pstore_alloc_ring_buffer should be a funciton pointer of pstore_info 
> struct.

Yes - that allows less capable backend like ERST and efivars to not provide the
service.  Since it becomes internal, you can drop the "pstore_" prefix.  E.g.
something like:

int pstore_alloc_ring_buffer(char *name, int size)
        return psinfo->alloc_ring_buffer(name, size);

... and you have to find/make some global header for the "extern" declaration.


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