On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 23:15:03 +0100, Adrian Bunk wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 04:28:52PM -0500, Jeff Garzik wrote:
>> Bill Rugolsky Jr. wrote:
>> >I've watched you periodically announce "hey, I'm doing an update for
>> >FC3/FC2, please test" on the mail list, and a handful of people go test.
>> >If we could convince many of the the less risk-averse but lazy users to
>> >grab kernels automatically from updates/3/testing/ or updates/3/unstable/
>> >as part of "yum update", and have a way to manage the plethora of (even
>> >daily) kernel updates by removing old unused kernels, then we'd only
>> >have to convince them *once* to set up their YUM repos, and then get them
>> >to poweroff or reboot [or use a Xen domain] occasionally. :-)
>> Tangent:  I would like to see requests-for-testing for FC kernels on LKML.
>> If people announce -ac/-as/-aa/-ck/etc. kernels on LKML, why not distro 
>> kernels?
> Debian unstable currently contains only for kernel 2.6.8 (which is AFAIK 
> still the main kernel in Debian unstable although there are also 2.6.10 
> sources and 2.6.10 kernel images on some architectures) for eight 
> different architectures - many of them containing or depending on their 
> own patches.

There's also no other (suitable) place to announce kernel trees.  Debian
kernels get announced on various debian-related lists; I'd imagine FC
kernels have the same thing.  The only place to announce non-distro trees
is lkml (and I've had requests for an -as specific announce list, I
haven't haven't found the time to get something going).

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