On 06/09/2014 10:26 AM, Jisheng Zhang wrote:
> Dear Sebastian and Antoine,
> On Fri, 6 Jun 2014 03:54:06 -0700
> Sebastian Hesselbarth <sebastian.hesselba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> +
>>> +#define to_berlin_phy_priv(p)      container_of((p), struct
>>> berlin_phy_priv, phy) +
>>> +struct berlin_phy_priv {
>>> +   void __iomem            *base;
>>> +   struct usb_phy          phy;
>>> +   struct reset_control    *rst_ctrl;
>>> +   int                     pwr_gpio;
>> Is the GPIO used for USB power? If so, we should not rely on
> The GPIO is used for vbus. Sorry for using the confusing "pwr". Do we still
> need to use regulator API?

Yes, I guess using regulator is still the way to go. Also, I think
it should be up to the controller to power on/off the device. That
way, we could make use of the dual role controller features on BG2
and BG2CD.

>> GPIO at all but use regulator API. Thinking of Chromecast which
>> is externally powered over USB, there will be no regulator nor
>> GPIO at all.
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static int berlin_phy_init(struct usb_phy *phy)
>>> +{
>>> +   struct berlin_phy_priv *priv = to_berlin_phy_priv(phy);
>>> +   int ret;
>>> +
>>> +   reset_control_reset(priv->rst_ctrl);
>>> +
>>> +   writel(CLK_REF_DIV(0xc) | FEEDBACK_CLK_DIV(0x54),
>>> +          priv->base + USB_PHY_PLL);
>> @Jisheng: IIRC the dividers above are different for BG2? Can you please
>> evaluate?
> Yes, BG2 uses different refdiv and fbdiv. Is there any suggestions about how 
> to
> handle this difference? The value is chosen after carefully tunning

I guess it depends on how many different div values you expect for
berlin2 usb PHYs. If it is just the two, we can go with different
compatibles for e.g. "berlin2-usb-phy" and "berlin2cd-usb-phy".

If you know of more PHYs with different div, a corresponding vendor-
specific property should do the trick, e.g.
marvell,pll-divider = <0x54c0>;

I am fine with both.

>>> +   writel(CLK_STABLE | PLL_CTRL_REG | PHASE_OFF_TOL_250 |
>>> +          CLK_BLK_EN, priv->base + USB_PHY_PLL_CONTROL);
>>> +   writel(V2I_VCO_RATIO(0x5) | R_ROTATE_0 | ANA_TEST_DC_CTRL(0x5),
>>> +          priv->base + USB_PHY_ANALOG);
>>> +   writel(PHASE_FREEZE_DLY_4_CL | ACK_LENGTH_16_CL | SQ_LENGTH_12 |
>>> +          DISCON_THRESHOLD_260 | SQ_THRESHOLD(0xa) | LPF_COEF(0x2) |
>>> +          INTPL_CUR_30, priv->base + USB_PHY_RX_CTRL);
>>> +
>>> +   writel(TX_VDD12_13 | TX_OUT_AMP(0x3), priv->base +
>>> +   writel(EXT_HS_RCAL_EN | IMPCAL_VTH_DIV(0x3) |
>>> EXT_RS_RCAL_DIV(0x4),
>>> +          priv->base + USB_PHY_TX_CTRL0);
>>> +
>>> +   writel(EXT_HS_RCAL_EN | IMPCAL_VTH_DIV(0x3) |
>>> EXT_RS_RCAL_DIV(0x4) |
>>> +          EXT_FS_RCAL_DIV(0x2), priv->base + USB_PHY_TX_CTRL0);
>>> +
>>> +   writel(EXT_HS_RCAL_EN | IMPCAL_VTH_DIV(0x3) |
>>> EXT_RS_RCAL_DIV(0x4),
>>> +          priv->base + USB_PHY_TX_CTRL0);
>>> +   writel(TX_CHAN_CTRL_REG(0xf) | DRV_SLEWRATE(0x3) |
>>> +          FS_DRV_EN_MASK(0xd), priv->base + USB_PHY_TX_CTRL2);
>>> +
>>> +   ret = gpio_direction_output(priv->pwr_gpio, 0);
>> As mentioned above, this should be using regulator API. And also, if
>> there is no dummy regulator allowed, it should be optional.
>>> +   if (ret)
>>> +           return ret;
>>> +
>>> +   gpio_set_value(priv->pwr_gpio, 1);
>>> +
>>> +   return 0;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static void berlin_phy_shutdown(struct usb_phy *phy)
>>> +{
>>> +   struct berlin_phy_priv *priv = to_berlin_phy_priv(phy);
>>> +
>>> +   gpio_set_value(priv->pwr_gpio, 0);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int berlin_phy_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
>>> +{
>>> +   struct device_node *np = pdev->dev.of_node;
>>> +   struct berlin_phy_priv *priv;
>>> +   struct resource *res;
>>> +   int ret, gpio;
>>> +
>>> +   priv = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*priv), GFP_KERNEL);
>>> +   if (!priv)
>>> +           return -ENOMEM;
>>> +
>>> +   res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
>>> +   priv->base = devm_ioremap_resource(&pdev->dev, res);
>>> +   if (IS_ERR(priv->base))
>>> +           return PTR_ERR(priv->base);
>>> +
>>> +   priv->rst_ctrl = devm_reset_control_get(&pdev->dev, NULL);
>>> +   if (IS_ERR(priv->rst_ctrl)) {
>>> +           ret = PTR_ERR(priv->rst_ctrl);
>>> +           dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot get reset controller: %d\n",
>>> ret);
>> Hmm, considering a non arch_init call registered reset driver, it does
>> also spit out an error for -EPROBE_DEFER, does it?
>>> +           return ret;
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +   gpio = of_get_named_gpio(np, "power-gpio", 0);
>>> +   if (!gpio_is_valid(gpio))
>>> +           return gpio;
> Some BG2Q boards hardwired the vbus to be always powered on, we should 
> continue
> the probe if vbus gpio is missing.

Yeah, the same applies for regulators. But with the comments above, it
should move to the controller stub instead.


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