On 06/03/2014 10:43 AM, Steven Rostedt wrote:
> On Tue, 3 Jun 2014 17:16:54 +1000
> Dave Chinner <da...@fromorbit.com> wrote:
>>>> But you can't say that is it both free of techical and known
>>>> issues without both reading the code and testing it (Reviewed-by).
>>> I disagree. Testing only tests what you run. It's useless otherwise.
>>> Most code I review, and find bugs for in that review, will not be
>>> caught by tests unless you ran it on a 1024 CPU box for a week.
>>> I value looking hard at code much more than booting it and running some
>>> insignificant micro test.
>> Running "insignficant micro tests" is exactly that - insignificant -
>> and it's not a robust code review if that is all that is done.
>> Runing *regression tests*, OTOH....
> I really think you are bending the definition of Reviewed-by. Perhaps
> Regression-tested-by would be more appropriate?

If the XFS community wants to have a stricter or stronger meaning for
Reviewed-by:, I think that's OK, but for the kernel in general, it just
means what SubmittingPatches says, and that does not imply Tested-by:.

>> I know from experience that a "quick" 15 minute run on xfstests on a
>> ramdisk will catch 99% of typical problems a filesystem patch might
>> introduce. Code coverage reporting (done recently by RH QE
>> engineers) tells me that this covers between 50-70% of the
>> filesystem, VFS and MM subsystems (numbers vary with fs being
>> tested), and so that's a pretty good, fast smoke test that I can run
>> on any patch or patchset that is sent for review.
> Testing is fine, but I think you are undervaluing true review. Seems to
> me, all you ask for others to do is to run their test suite on the code
> to give a reviewed-by. I ask for people to look at the logic and spend
> a lot more time on seeing if something strange is there. I found people
> find things that tests usually don't. That's because before I post code
> for review, I usually run it under a lot of tests myself that weeds out
> most of those bugs.

Ack. Review is lots of cogitation.

>> Any significant patch set requires longer to read and digest than a
>> full xfstests run across all my test machines (about 80 minutes for
>> a single mkfs/mount option configuration). So by the time I've
>> actually read the code and commented on it, it's been through a full
>> test cycle and it's pretty clear if there are problems or not..
>> And so when I say "reviewed-by" I'm pretty certain that there aren't
>> any known issues.  Sure, it's not going to catch the "ran it on a
>> 1024 CPU box for a week" type of bug, but that's the repsonsibility
>> of the bug reporter to give you a "tested-by" for that specific
>> problem.
> But a good review *can* catch a bug that would trigger on a 1024 CPU
> box! Really, I've had people point things out that I said, oh! but that
> would be a really hard race to get to. And then go and fix it.
> Sometimes, people will find things that have been broken for years in a
> review of a patch that touches code around the broken part.
>> And really, that points out *exactly* the how "reviewed-by" is a far
>> more onerous than "tested-by". Tested-by only means the patch fixes
>> the *specific problem* that was reported.  Reviewed-by means that,
>> as far as the reviewer can determine, it doesn't cause regressions
>> or other problems. It may or may not imply "tested-by" depending on
>> the nature of the bug being fixed, but it certainly implies "no
>> obvious regressions".  They are two very different meanings, and
>> reviewed-by has a much, much wider scope than "tested-by".
> I don't see reviewed-by as a wider scope than tested-by, I seem them
> under two completely different scopes.
> To me, a reviewed-by is someone spent time agonizing over every single
> change, and how that change affects the code. I remember spending a
> full week on a couple of patches for RCU that Paul submitted a while
> ago. I may have run the code, but there's really no test I have that
> would trigger the changes. I went back and forth with Paul and we found
> a few minor issues and when it was done, I gave my Reviewed-by for it.
> I was exhausted, but I learned a lot. I really did understand how that
> code worked. Unfortunately, I forgot everything I learned since then ;-)
>>>> And, yes, this is the definition we've been using for "reviewed-by"
>>>> for XFS code since, well, years before the "reviewed-by" tag even
>>>> existed...
>>> Fine, just like all else. That is up to the maintainer to decide. You
>>> may require people to run and test it as their review, but I require
>>> that people understand the code I write and look for those flaws that
>>> 99% of tests wont catch.
>>> I run lots of specific tests on the code I write, I don't expect those
>>> that review my code to do the same. In fact that's never what I even
>>> ask for when I ask someone to review my code. Note, I do ask for
>>> testers when I want people to test it, but those are not the same
>>> people that review my code.
>> Very few subsystems have dedicated testers and hence rely on the
>> test environments that the subsystem developers use every day to
>> test their own code. IOWs, in most cases "tester" and the "reviewer"
>> roles are performed by the same people.
> Again, you are limiting you supply of reviewers with this requirement.
>>> I find the reviewers of my code to be the worse testers. That's because
>>> those that I ask to review my code know what it's suppose to do, and
>>> those are the people that are not going to stumble over bugs. It's the
>>> people that have no idea how your code works that will trigger the most
>>> bugs in testing it. My best testers would be my worse reviewers.

> I'm not saying that you can't have your own meaning of Reviewed-by. You
> are in charge of a filesystem, and to me, that's one of the most
> crucial parts of the kernel, as a corrupt filesystem can lead to huge
> loss of data.
> What I'm saying is that to most, Reviewed-by means just that. The patch
> was reviewed. I think the person adding their reviewed-by tag is
> placing their reputation on the line. I know I am every time I add it.
> That's why I give a lot more "Acked-by" than "Reviewed-by". Those acks
> are me saying "I skimmed the patch, and there's nothing in there that
> bothers me". I does not mean that I looked over every change in detail.


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