On Wed, 2 Mar 2005, Horst von Brand wrote:

Lee Revell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 12:20 -0800, Ben Greear wrote:


What happens if you just don't muck with the NIC and let it auto-negotiate
on it's own?

This can be asking for trouble too (auto negotiation is often buggy).

I'be seen much more broken networks than buggy autonegotiation. If they negotiate something funny, check and fix the network. --

In this case it's going to negotiate with the exact same device in the other box when connected with a X-over cable, and with a Netgear switch on my desk when not. In both cases, I have complete control of the "network".

FYI I just upgraded to Linux-2.6.11 I'm going to repeat my
experiment(s) later today after I put the same kernel on
my other machine.

Dr. Horst H. von Brand                   User #22616 counter.li.org
Departamento de Informatica                     Fono: +56 32 654431
Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria              +56 32 654239
Casilla 110-V, Valparaiso, Chile                Fax:  +56 32 797513
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