Hello Guys!

I has some shit happens after 2-3 days system working.
After 2-3 days in kernel.debug i has many oopses.
Stock 2.4.27 kernel.
At time oopses started, system can't fork no one process.
Below first two:

Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address b0bdd054
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: printing eip:
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: c0128e3c
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: *pde = 00000000
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: Oops: 0000
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: CPU: 0
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: EIP: 0010:[<c0128e3c>] Not tainted
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: EFLAGS: 00010883
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: eax: 34ffffff ebx: 9ffffae0 ecx: dcbdd040 edx: dc99b640
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: esi: c15dfc00 edi: 00000246 ebp: 000001f0 esp: db78bf64
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: Process crond (pid: 445, stackpage=db78b000)
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: Stack: d1724000 ded07280 d17245a0 00000011 c0113917 c15dfc00 000001f0 db78a000
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: 0804ea20 00000001 db78bfbc 00000000 fffffff4 00000296 db78a000 00000000
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: c01177f4 c0107398 00000011 bffffccc db78bfc4 00000000 bffffcd8 c01086d3
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: Call Trace: [<c0113917>] [<c01177f4>] [<c0107398>] [<c01086d3>]
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel:
Jan 2 16:43:00 localhost kernel: Code: 8b 44 81 18 89 41 14 03 59 0c 83 f8 ff 75 25 8b 41 04 8b 11

KSYMOOPS Output for OOPS No 1
>>EIP; c0128e3c <kmem_cache_alloc+84/dc>   <=====

>>ecx; dcbdd040 <_end+1c8bba6c/1f4e0a8c>
>>edx; dc99b640 <_end+1c67a06c/1f4e0a8c>
>>esi; c15dfc00 <_end+12be62c/1f4e0a8c>
>>esp; db78bf64 <_end+1b46a990/1f4e0a8c>

Trace; c0113917 <do_fork+3ff/740>
Trace; c01177f4 <sys_time+14/54>
Trace; c0107398 <sys_fork+14/1c>
Trace; c01086d3 <system_call+33/40>

Code;  c0128e3c <kmem_cache_alloc+84/dc>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code;  c0128e3c <kmem_cache_alloc+84/dc>   <=====
  0:   8b 44 81 18               mov    0x18(%ecx,%eax,4),%eax   <=====
Code;  c0128e40 <kmem_cache_alloc+88/dc>
  4:   89 41 14                  mov    %eax,0x14(%ecx)
Code;  c0128e43 <kmem_cache_alloc+8b/dc>
  7:   03 59 0c                  add    0xc(%ecx),%ebx
Code;  c0128e46 <kmem_cache_alloc+8e/dc>
  a:   83 f8 ff                  cmp    $0xffffffff,%eax
Code;  c0128e49 <kmem_cache_alloc+91/dc>
  d:   75 25                     jne    34 <_EIP+0x34>
Code;  c0128e4b <kmem_cache_alloc+93/dc>
  f:   8b 41 04                  mov    0x4(%ecx),%eax
Code;  c0128e4e <kmem_cache_alloc+96/dc>
 12:   8b 11                     mov    (%ecx),%edx

Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: <1>Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address b0bdd054
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: printing eip:
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: c0128e3c
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: *pde = 00000000
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: Oops: 0000
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: CPU: 0
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: EIP: 0010:[<c0128e3c>] Not tainted
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: EFLAGS: 00010883
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: eax: 34ffffff ebx: 9ffffae0 ecx: dcbdd040 edx: db69a3a0
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: esi: c15dfc00 edi: 00000246 ebp: 000001f0 esp: db78bf64
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: Process log_script.sh (pid: 9286, stackpage=db78b000)
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: Stack: dc56e000 ded07280 dc56e5a0 00000011 c0113917 c15dfc00 000001f0 db78a000
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: bffff7d0 00000000 db78bfbc 00000000 fffffff4 bffff708 dc9845c0 c01304e3
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: db78a000 c0107398 00000011 bffff74c db78bfc4 00000000 bffff868 c01086d3
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: Call Trace: [<c0113917>] [<c01304e3>] [<c0107398>] [<c01086d3>]
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel:
Jan 2 16:43:01 localhost kernel: Code: 8b 44 81 18 89 41 14 03 59 0c 83 f8 ff 75 25 8b 41 04 8b 11

KSYMOOPS Output for OOPS No 2 ---------------------------------- >>EIP; c0128e3c <kmem_cache_alloc+84/dc> <=====

>>ecx; dcbdd040 <_end+1c8bba6c/1f4e0a8c>
>>edx; db69a3a0 <_end+1b378dcc/1f4e0a8c>
>>esi; c15dfc00 <_end+12be62c/1f4e0a8c>
>>esp; db78bf64 <_end+1b46a990/1f4e0a8c>

Trace; c0113917 <do_fork+3ff/740>
Trace; c01304e3 <sys_llseek+cf/dc>
Trace; c0107398 <sys_fork+14/1c>
Trace; c01086d3 <system_call+33/40>

Code;  c0128e3c <kmem_cache_alloc+84/dc>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code;  c0128e3c <kmem_cache_alloc+84/dc>   <=====
  0:   8b 44 81 18               mov    0x18(%ecx,%eax,4),%eax   <=====
Code;  c0128e40 <kmem_cache_alloc+88/dc>
  4:   89 41 14                  mov    %eax,0x14(%ecx)
Code;  c0128e43 <kmem_cache_alloc+8b/dc>
  7:   03 59 0c                  add    0xc(%ecx),%ebx
Code;  c0128e46 <kmem_cache_alloc+8e/dc>
  a:   83 f8 ff                  cmp    $0xffffffff,%eax
Code;  c0128e49 <kmem_cache_alloc+91/dc>
  d:   75 25                     jne    34 <_EIP+0x34>
Code;  c0128e4b <kmem_cache_alloc+93/dc>
  f:   8b 41 04                  mov    0x4(%ecx),%eax
Code;  c0128e4e <kmem_cache_alloc+96/dc>
 12:   8b 11                     mov    (%ecx),%edx

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