On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 14:59:31 +1000, Jarne Cook said:

> They are both using dhcp to the same simple network.  That's right.  Same 
> network.  They both end up with gateway=, netmask=  
> But ofcourse they do not have the same IP addresses.

I don't suppose your network people would be willing to change it thusly:

wired ports:  gateway, netmask
wireless:     gateway, netmask

Or move the wireless up to if they think that would confuse things
too much.

There's a limit to how far we should bend over backwards to support stupid
networking decisions. 192.168 *is* a /16, might as well use it. ;)

If they won't, you're pretty much stuck with binding applications to one
interface or another.

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