On Fri, 25 Feb 2005, Payasam Manohar wrote:

Hai all,
I tried to insert a sample module into Fedora core 2 , But it is giving an error message that " no module in the object"
The same module was inserted successfully into Redhat linux 9.

Is there any changes from RH 9 to Fedora Core 2 with respect to the module writing and insertion.

Yes. Fedora Core 2 should have the new module tools. It also has a new kernel. These new kernels load a module called "module.ko" instead of "module.o". Inside the new module is some code used to obfuscate the new module mechanism where 'insmod' and friends has been moved inside the kernel, further bloating the kernel and, incidentally, making it necessary for modules to be "politically correct", i.e., policy moved into the kernel.

Whoever did this disastrous and destructive thing now wants
you to write modules in a certain "politically correct" way,
also. This means that you need to use the kernel source

There are new books that you are supposed to buy which will
tell you how to re-write all your modules to interface with
the new crap.

I attached a typical makefile so you can see how complicated
this new crap is.

In the meantime, you can just take this and link it with your
"module.o" to make a "module.ko".

//  This program may be distributed under the GNU Public License
//  version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
//  59 Temple Place, Suite 330 Boston, MA, 02111.
//   This is the junk that needs to be linked with module code so
//   it can be loaded by the new in-kernel module loader. It has no
//   purpose except to make the kernel loader happy.
//   This is a totally artificial mechanism used to prevent one
//   from making a module that can work over several different
//   kernel versions.
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/vermagic.h>
#include <linux/compiler.h>
#define DEREF(x) (#x)
#define MKSTR(x) DEREF(x)
struct module __attribute__((section(".gnu.linkonce.this_module")))
 __this_module = {
 .name = MKSTR(MODNAME),
 .init = init_module,
 .exit = cleanup_module,
static const char __attribute_used__ __attribute__((section(".modinfo")))
static const char __attribute_used__ __attribute__((section(".modinfo")))

Any small help  also welcome.

Thanks in advance.

Cheers, Dick Johnson Penguin : Linux version 2.6.10 on an i686 machine (5537.79 BogoMips). Notice : All mail here is now cached for review by Dictator Bush. 98.36% of all statistics are fiction.
#    This program may be distributed under the GNU Public License
#    version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#    59 Temple Place, Suite 330 Boston, MA, 02111.
#    Project Makefile for kernel versions over 6 
#    Created 05-OCT-2004    Richard B. Johnson
#    Note that macro "obj" refers to this directory when
#    make is executing from the kernel directory. 

                as -o $@ $<

VERS := $(shell uname -r)
CDIR := $(shell pwd)
MKNOD = /usr/bin/mknodp
FNAM = HeavyLink

OBJS =  datalink.o      min_size_t.o    license.o       ram_test.o\
        rwcheck.o       seeprom.o       rwreg.o         rnd.o\
        rdtsc.o         dma_buffer.o    ioctltxt.o

all:            chkhdrs 
                @make V=1 -C /usr/src/linux-$(VERS) SUBDIRS=$(CDIR) modules
                strip -x -R .note -R .comment $(FNAM).ko

obj-m           :=      $(FNAM).o
$(FNAM)-objs    :=      $(OBJS)
$(obj)/min_size_t.o:    $(obj)/min_size_t.S     $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/license.o:       $(obj)/license.c        $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/ram_test.o:      $(obj)/ram_test.c       $(obj)/Makefile 
$(obj)/rwcheck.o:       $(obj)/rwcheck.S        $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/rwreg.o:         $(obj)/rwreg.S          $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/rnd.o:           $(obj)/rnd.S            $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/rdtsc.o:         $(obj)/rdtsc.S          $(obj)/Makefile
$(obj)/ioctltxt.o:      $(obj)/ioctltxt.s
$(obj)/datalink.o:      $(obj)/datalink.c       $(obj)/datalink.h\
                        $(obj)/config.h         $(obj)/types.h\
                        $(obj)/plx.h            $(obj)/dlb.h\
                        $(obj)/ver.h            $(obj)/Makefile\
                        $(SUBDIRS)/bool.h       $(SUBDIRS)/kver.h
$(obj)/dma_buffer.o:    $(obj)/dma_buffer.c     $(obj)/datalink.h\
                        $(obj)/config.h         $(obj)/Makefile\
$(obj)/seeprom.o:       $(obj)/seeprom.c        $(obj)/plx.h\
                        $(obj)/types.h          $(obj)/Makefile

chkhdrs:        ../tools/chkhdrs.c
        gcc -O2 -Wall -o chkhdrs ../tools/chkhdrs.c

$(SUBDIRS)/chktrue:     $(SUBDIRS)/../tools/chktrue.c
        gcc -O2 -Wall -o $(SUBDIRS)/chktrue $(SUBDIRS)/../tools/chktrue.c

$(SUBDIRS)/bool.h:      $(SUBDIRS)/chktrue
        cd $(SUBDIRS) ; $(SUBDIRS)/chktrue

$(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt:  $(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt.c
        gcc -O2 -Wall -o $(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt $(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt.c

$(SUBDIRS)/ioctltxt.s:  $(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt $(SUBDIRS)/datalink.h
        cd $(SUBDIRS) ; $(SUBDIRS)/mkioctltxt

$(SUBDIRS)/chkver:      $(SUBDIRS)/../tools/chkver.c
        gcc -O2 -Wall -o $(SUBDIRS)/chkver $(SUBDIRS)/../tools/chkver.c

$(SUBDIRS)/kver.h:      $(SUBDIRS)/chkver
        cd $(SUBDIRS) ; $(SUBDIRS)/chkver $(VERS)

install:        install.sh $(MKNOD)
        @sh install.sh install

$(MKNOD):       ../tools/mknodp.c
        make -C ../tools

        rm -rf $(OBJS) $(FNAM).ko $(FNAM).mod.c $(FNAM)*.o \.*.cmd \
chkhdrs \.tmp_versions chktrue bool.h kver.h *.s mkioctltxt chkver
                @sh install.sh clean

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