Dustin Sallings <dustin@spy.net> writes:
> but the nicest thing about arch is that a given commit is immutable.
> There are no tools to modify it.  This is also why the crypto
> signature stuff was so easy to fit in.
> RCS and SCCS storage throws away most of those features.

Yeah, the basic way arch organizes its repository seems _far_ more sane
than the crazy way CVS (or BK) does, for a variety of reasons[*].  No
doubt there are certain usage patterns which stress it, but I think it
makes a lot more sense to use a layer of caching to take care of those,
rather than screwing up the underlying organization.

[*] (a) Immutability of repository files (_massively_ good idea)
    (b) Deals with tree-changes "naturally" (CVS-style ,v files are a
        complete mess for anything except file-content changes)
    (c) Directly corresponds to traditional diff 'n' patch, easy to
        think about, no surprises

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