On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 10:30:49AM -0500, Len Brown wrote:

> On Thu, 2005-02-10 at 11:18, Stelian Pop wrote:,
> > 
> > PS: I am also going to submit a bugzilla RFE for the acpi people,
> > I have been told they are more receptive to that.
> I guess that refers to me:-)
Hey, you *are* more receptive to bugzilla then !

> E-mail is fine, but the unfortunate reality is that due to simple
> volume, it is lossy.  The reason we like bugzilla is that it never
> forgets:-)
> So thanks for taking the extra time to file a bug report
> http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4193
> If it turns out that there is no way a generic solution
> can handle the SNC Sony laptops, then I agree that a

Note: this is not a subset of the Sony laptops, we are talking
about all the Sony laptops here.

> platform specific wart is the only way to go.  But
> it would be best if we can make the exotic Sony/SNC
> look more generic to the user so that the user
> (and the distro supporting them) don't need to learn
> special things to handle this system.

I agree, but unfortunately I don't think it's possible to handle
them in a generic way. However, my understanding of the ACPI layer
is limited, so I very well be wrong.

I attached two DSDT in bugzilla, I have a few more if you want them.

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