> Subject: Re: [PATCH] regmap: Add REGMAP_ENDIAN_SWAP support for values.
> On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 04:17:39PM +0800, Xiubo Li wrote:
> > And using the REGMAP_ENDIAN_BIG and REGMAP_ENDIAN_LITTLE will make
> > the driver a bit more complex, and also the usage of it.
> What's the complexity here?

Well, maybe it not as complex as it likes, just relatively:

For some drivers that may support the following cases:

For the DT node:

CPU        Dev        LE/BE property need ?
LE         LE         No
LE         BE         'big-endian' property
BE         BE         No
BE         LE         'little-endian' property

The driver will adapt to this too.

Thanks :)

Best Regards,

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