On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 05:42:33PM +0900, Alexandre Courbot wrote:
> GK20A does not embed a dedicated COPY engine and thus cannot allocate
> the copy channel that nouveau_accel_init() attempts to create. It also
> lacks any display hardware, so the creation of a software channel does
> not apply neither.
Perhaps this should be two separate patches?

> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_drm.c 
> b/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau_drm.c
> +     if (device->chipset == 0xea) {
> +             /* gk20a does not have CE0/CE1 */

This would be another good candidate for a feature flag.

> +             arg0 = NVE0_CHANNEL_IND_ENGINE_GR;
> +             arg1 = 1;
> +     } else
>       if (device->card_type >= NV_E0) {

The formatting here is somewhat weird. From a brief look I couldn't find
any indication that nouveau deviates from the standard coding style, so
this should be:

        } else if (...) {

> +     /* Need to figure out how to handle sw for gk20a */
> +     if (device->chipset == 0xea)
> +             goto skip_sw_init;

The commit message makes it sound like SW isn't needed since gk20a
"lacks any display hardware". In that case the comment here doesn't make
much sense.


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