On Thu, 2014-03-06 at 11:52 -0800, beh...@converseincode.com wrote:
> From: Jan-Simon Möller <dl...@gmx.de>
> Replaced the use of a Variable Length Array In Struct (VLAIS) with a C99
> compliant equivalent.

Fine, but

> +     char aead_req_data[sizeof(struct aead_request)
> +                             + crypto_aead_reqsize(tfm)
> +                             + CRYPTO_MINALIGN] CRYPTO_MINALIGN_ATTR;

You really should be using kernel coding style, which changes
indentation and has the + on the previous line.

> +     struct aead_request *aead_req
> +             = (struct aead_request *) aead_req_data;

(void *) is perfectly find and it'll probably fit on one line then.

> +     memset(&aead_req_data, 0, (sizeof(struct aead_request)+
> +             crypto_aead_reqsize(tfm) + CRYPTO_MINALIGN));

You don't need the size calculation again, you can use


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