On Thu, 16 Jan 2014, Johannes Weiner wrote:

> > Unfortunately, I think this could potentially be too much of a bonus.  On 
> > your same 32GB machine, if a root process is using 18GB and a user process 
> > is using 14GB, the user process ends up getting selected while the current 
> > discount of 3% still selects the root process.
> > 
> > I do like the idea of scaling this bonus depending on points, however.  I 
> > think it would be better if we could scale the discount but also limit it 
> > to some sane value.
> I just reverted to the /= 4 because we had that for a long time and it
> seemed to work.  I don't really mind either way as long as we get rid
> of that -3%.  Do you have a suggestion?

How about simply using 3% of the root process's points so that root 
processes get some bonus compared to non-root processes with the same 
memory usage and it's scaled to the usage rather than amount of available 

So rather than points /= 4, we do

        if (has_capability_noaudit(p, CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
                points -= (points * 3) / 100;

instead.  Sound good?
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