I noticed something strange with ACPI and the battery:
/proc/acpi/battery/BAT1$ cat info 
present:                 yes
design capacity:         57420 mWh
last full capacity:      57420 mWh
battery technology:      rechargeable
design voltage:          14800 mV
design capacity warning: 3000 mWh
design capacity low:     1000 mWh
capacity granularity 1:  200 mWh
capacity granularity 2:  200 mWh
model number:            LIP8084DLP
serial number:           20495
battery type:            LION
OEM info:                Sony Corp.
/proc/acpi/battery/BAT1$ cat state 
present:                 yes
capacity state:          ok
charging state:          charging
present rate:            unknown
remaining capacity:      59040 mWh
present voltage:         16716 mV
Is my laptop messed up or is ACPI not seeing proper values?  How can I have
59040 remaining capacity when it the full capacity is 57420?  Also the
system didn't display the charging light so I know it's not charging.

I yanked the battery and I saw this:
/proc/acpi/battery/BAT1$ cat state
present:                 yes
capacity state:          ok
charging state:          charged
present rate:            unknown
remaining capacity:      0 mWh
present voltage:         0 mV

Under BAT0, info and state show one line, present: no

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