Wilfried Weissmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The kernels 2.4.28+ and 2.6.9+ with IPv4 and ATM-CLIP enabled have bugs in
> the neighbour cache code. neigh_delete() and neigh_add() only work properly
> if one cache table per address family exist. After ATM-CLIP installed a
> second cache table for AF_INET, neigh_delete() and neigh_add() only examine
> the first table (the ATM-CLIP table if IPv4 and ATM-CLIP are compiled into
> the kernel). neigh_dump_info() is also affected if the neigh_dump_table()
> call fails.

Indeed, this has been the case for a very long time.

IMHO you need to give the user a way to specify which table they want
to operate on.  If they don't specify one, then the current behaviour
of choosing the first table found is reasonble.

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