I am having a humorous tone here, you probably understand that.
I have been researching "what is normal consciousness" for a while, and
in that, I let myself sometimes be led by emotion or the heat of the
argument, to see if more "subconscious processes" want to tell me
something. Probably related to what The Quran calls "jinn".
Obviously idolatry is about something specific, the ability to fertilize
maybe. It has ofcourse nothing to do with intelligent culture, and
therefore it blocks intelligent development.
Idols really seem to regress people down to simple states, subject to
Traversing as much philosophy and religion I have, I have moved far away
from many typical western mindsets.
First and foremost alcohol, and later also realizing Einstein does
extrapolations to infinity, which is not a number, and this "scientific"
pantheism, has led to many accepting false things, such as that the
universe is infinite.
Which again is idolatry, and conjured forces, and really leads to the
same regression.
The concept "the universe" is also commonly used today, and associated
with many more or less strange things.
Maybe some of it is atleast partly right.
In monotheism, standard language is "the heavens and the earth". Which
ofcourse is part of normal consciousness and monotheism. (godconsciousness).
God says in The Quran, that the heavens and the earth, were one, before
they were divided.
These things are ofcourse important when trying to refute and deprogram
a sectarian, facistic and brainwashed mindset.
Read also my article: http://ovekarlsen.com/Blog/psychiatry-refuted/
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