On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 4:43 AM, Tetsuo Handa
<penguin-ker...@i-love.sakura.ne.jp> wrote:
> Andrew Morton wrote:
>> which is painful, so we also provide the new vsprintf token as a
>> convenience:
>>       pr_warn("%|: hair on fire\n");
>> but I don't know what we can use in place of %|.
> We are using %pEXTENSION where EXTENSION is [A-Za-z0-9]* because compiler does
> not need to understand what EXTENSION does; compiler needs to care about what
> character follows the % character and check type of corresponding argument if
> __printf() attribute is given.


> If we introduce a character which compiler does not know that follows the %
> character, compiler would be confused when checking type of corresponding
> argument.
>> I wonder if there's some way in which we can invent a vsprintf token
>> which means "insert corrent->comm here" and which doesn't require that
>> the caller pass in the additional argument?
> Therefore, if we want to omit passing corresponding argument, we should not
> introduce new character which compiler does not know that follows the %
> character.
> Also, % is the only character which everybody knows that it is reserved for 
> the
> beginning of format specifier and %% is the only characters which everybody
> knows that it is reserved for literal % character.
> Therefore, what we could do for printing current thread's attributes would be
> either reserve a new character and add EXTENSION like
>   pr_warn("$comm$: hair on fire\n");
>   pr_warn("Process $pid$: hair on fire\n");
> or add EXTENSION after the %% characters like
>   pr_warn("%%comm%%: hair on fire\n");
>   pr_warn("Process %%pid%%: hair on fire\n");

ESC sequences? So far printk() doesn't parse them (a bit unfortunate, as I
always liked the idea of printing error messages in red, warnings in yellow,

Is any of the "\x" (backslash + character) unused and thus available?



Geert Uytterhoeven -- There's lots of Linux beyond ia32 -- ge...@linux-m68k.org

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