Hello linux-experts,
     I am intercepting a few syscalls in kernel
2.4.28. My module name is rsched.c. To put it in the
kernel, I created a new subdirectory with the name
rsched under /linux-2.4.28 source directory. I created
the Makefile for it. I included the rsched
subdirectory in the list of  kernel subdirectories in
the toplevel Makefile as
  SUDIRS := (all-available subdirectories) rsched
     But when I build the kernel depmod showed the
following error:

  depmod: cannot read ELF header from

   How can I correct it and add my module into the
  Can anyone help me regarding this? I have also
attached the Makefile here.


O_TARGET := rsched.o

obj-m   := $(O_TARGET)

include $(TOPDIR)/Rules.make

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