On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Sander Eikelenboom
<li...@eikelenboom.it> wrote:
> Could you send me the patch (or a link to it), i can't find it on the 
> linux-wireless list.

I looked for such a patch and didn't find it either, perhaps both of
your issues are the same as with CRDA and the wireless-regdb not
having a proper signature set. You can verify if this is the case by
just downloading the git repo for wireless-regdb and CRDA and on both
just do:

sudo make install

After doing this on wireless-regdb just get the $USER.key.pub.pem and
stash that into the crda/pubkeys/ before compiling. That will let CRDA
trust your own key.

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