This is very good advice indeed.

Borislav Petkov <> wrote:
>On Sat, Dec 07, 2013 at 04:01:02AM -0500, Dave Young wrote:
>> Hi, all
>> Update my status:
>> I have finished most of thecode related changes including the
>> fixes (both for original code and my new code). And I'm slowly
>> moving the kexec related stuff to efi_kexec.c, this involves
>> some other cleanups, such as:
>> efi_systab_init:
>>  -> move 64bit code to efi_64.c, move 32bit code to efi_32.c
>> efi_setup global variable is changing to physical address,
>> it when necessary instead of directly using the virt addr because
>> previously the virt addr will be freed until entering virtual mode,
>> it's possible a leak in case something is wrong in the middle also it
>> occupies the ioremap slot a little bit long.
>> There's also other problems, so I still need a few days probably
>> a week to carefully restructure the code.
>Those are all lofty goals but beware that trying to solve it all at
>once can be very painful and can cause unnecessary work for both coders
>and reviewers. Especially if the patchset grows out of proportion which
>makes it much harder to review and deal with.
>So, from my experience and if I were you, I'd try to address the most
>important issue I'm trying to fix, have 10ish nice clean patches and
>the rest on the TODO list. This is much easier to deal with for
>involved than trying to solve it all at once.
>Besides, if you solve it all at once, what are you going to work on
>afterwards? :-)

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