On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 10:46:37PM +0100, Rafael J. Wysocki wrote:
> On Thursday, 20 of January 2005 21:59, Pavel Machek wrote:
> Sure, but I think it's there for a reason.
> > Anyway, this is likely to clash with hugang's work; I'd prefer this not to 
> > be applied.
> I am aware of that, but you are not going to merge the hugang's patches soon, 
> are you?
> If necessary, I can change the patch to work with his code (hugang, what do 
> you think?).
I like this patch, And I change my code with this, Please have a look,
It pass in qemu X86_64. :)

Full patch still can get from

here is only x86_64 part.

--- 2.6.11-rc1-mm1/arch/x86_64/kernel/suspend_asm.S     2004-12-30 
14:56:35.000000000 +0800
+++ 2.6.11-rc1-mm1-swsusp-x86_64/arch/x86_64/kernel/suspend_asm.S       
2005-01-21 10:13:15.000000000 +0800
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ ENTRY(swsusp_arch_suspend)
        call swsusp_save
+       .section    .data.nosave
        /* set up cr3 */        
        leaq    init_level4_pgt(%rip),%rax
@@ -49,43 +50,32 @@ ENTRY(swsusp_arch_resume)
        movq    %rcx, %cr3;
        movq    %rax, %cr4;  # turn PGE back on
-       movl    nr_copy_pages(%rip), %eax
-       xorl    %ecx, %ecx
-       movq    $0, %r10
-       testl   %eax, %eax
-       jz      done
-       xorl    %esi, %esi
-       movq    $0, %r11
-       jmp     .L104
-       .p2align 4,,7
-       movq    %r10, %rcx
-       movq    pagedir_nosave(%rip), %rdx
-       movq    %rcx, %rax
-       salq    $5, %rax
-       movq    8(%rdx,%rax), %rcx
-       movq    (%rdx,%rax), %rax
-       movzbl  (%rsi,%rax), %eax
-       movb    %al, (%rsi,%rcx)
-       movq    %cr3, %rax;  # flush TLB
-       movq    %rax, %cr3;
-       movq    %r11, %rax
-       incq    %rax
-       cmpq    $4095, %rax
-       movq    %rax, %rsi
-       movq    %rax, %r11
-       jbe     copy_one_page
-       movq    %r10, %rax
-       incq    %rax
-       movq    %rax, %rcx
-       movq    %rax, %r10
-       mov     nr_copy_pages(%rip), %eax
-       cmpq    %rax, %rcx
-       jb      .L105
+       movq    pagedir_nosave(%rip), %rax
+       testq   %rax, %rax
+       je              done
+       movq    24(%rax), %r9
+       xorl    %r8d, %r8d
+       movq    8(%rax), %rdi
+       testq   %rdi, %rdi
+       je      done
+       movq    (%rax), %rsi
+       movq    $512, %rcx
+       rep
+       movsq
+       incq    %r8
+       addq    $32, %rax
+       cmpq    $127, %r8
+       jbe     copy_one_pgdir; # copy one pgdir
+       testq   %r9, %r9
+       movq    %r9, %rax
+       jne     copyback_page
        movl    $24, %eax
        movl    %eax, %ds

Hu Gang       .-.
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