PV = the device
VG = groups of them (the RAID5 array?)
LV = what? the file system?

So, from what you are telling me, and the man page, 2.6.x with LVM2 can
have basically any size of PV, VG, and LV I want.

Am I flawed in my understanding?

Thank you,

On Thu, 2005-01-20 at 22:02 +0000, Alasdair G Kergon wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 10:40:02PM +0100, Norbert van Nobelen wrote:
> > A logical volume in LVM will not handle more than 2TB. You can tie together 
> > the LVs in a volume group, thus going over the 2TB limit. 
> Confused over terminology?
> Tie PVs together to form a VG, then divide VG up into LVs.
> Size limit depends on metadata format and the kernel: old LVM1 format has 
> lower size limits - see the vgcreate man page.
> New LVM2 metadata format relaxes those limits and lets you have LVs > 2TB
> with a 2.6 kernel.
> Alasdair
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