On Mon, 2005-01-17 at 22:26 +0100, markus reichelt wrote:

> Fruhwirth Clemens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This is FUD. To get serious in-depth information about the problems
> > associated with dm-crypt and loop-aes read,
> > 
> > http://clemens.endorphin.org/LinuxHDEncSettings
> excuse me, but that's just too academic for the end user. whatever
> you're trying to say (apart from your obvious grudge against what
> Jari is doing), it's not clear enough.

I can't do nothing about that. Enlightenment is a gift everyone has to
fight for on it's own.

To the rest of your slightly emotional post. Most of the question have
been already answered. I'm not going to restate my answers, the archive
has it. 

To your critiques of my reviewers: 

Your personal opinion has the same importance to me as the my review
sources have to you. That's none.

What probably makes a different for others is, that the review sources
on my web pages includes kernel developers, regulars on the dm-crypt
mailing list and the IEEE chairman of Security in Storage Working Group.

I'm sorry for my ranting ignorance. Life time is a limited resource.
Especially mine.

Fruhwirth Clemens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  http://clemens.endorphin.org

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