On 11/15/2013 03:34 AM, Vlad Yasevich wrote:
I don't think this is right.  The spec states:
 8.  ACKs for retransmissions do not transition a PF destination back
       to Active state, since a sender cannot disambiguate whether the
       ack was for the original transmission or the retransmission(s).

Could you please reconsider my proposal?

In the rule 8, it clearly specifies ACKs for *retransmission* do not transition ... But those chunks were not retransmitted!

Every transport maintains its own [transport->transmitted] queue, when retransmit happens (no matter time_out or fast_retransmit). The chunk would be removed from the queue and moved to the sctp_outq->retransmit.

static void sctp_check_transmitted(...) {
if (transport) { /*<=======This proves that its not the outq->retransmit (the retransmitted queue)*/
        if (bytes_acked) {
        if((transport->state in [INACTIVE, UNCONFIRMED, PF]...)
            sctp_assoc_control_transport(..., SCTP_TRANSPORT_UP).

In addition, if its not appropriate to transition PF->ACTIVE, why is it appropriate to transition INACTIVE->ACTIVE (the original implementation).

Now, the proper way to this would would be modify sctp_assoc_control_transport() to transition the transport state to
ACTIVE if it was PF transport that was chosen to send data.


  net/sctp/outqueue.c |    1 +
  1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/net/sctp/outqueue.c b/net/sctp/outqueue.c
index 94df758..2557fa5 100644
--- a/net/sctp/outqueue.c
+++ b/net/sctp/outqueue.c
@@ -1517,6 +1517,7 @@ static void sctp_check_transmitted(struct sctp_outq *q,
               * active if it is not so marked.
              if ((transport->state == SCTP_INACTIVE ||
+                 transport->state == SCTP_PF ||
                   transport->state == SCTP_UNCONFIRMED) &&
                  sctp_cmp_addr_exact(&transport->ipaddr, saddr)) {

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