On Mon, 2 Jul 2001, Rik van Riel wrote:

> On Thu, 28 Jun 2001, Marco Colombo wrote:
> > I'm not sure that, in general, recent pages with only one access are
> > still better eviction candidates compared to 8 hours old pages. Here
> > we need either another way to detect one-shot activity (like the one
> > performed by updatedb),
> Fully agreed, but there is one problem with this idea.
> Suppose you have a maximum of 20% of your RAM for these
> "one-shot" things, now how are you going to be able to
> page in an application with a working set of, say, 25%
> the size of RAM ?
> If you don't have any special measures, the pages from
> this "new" application will always be treated as one-shot
> pages and the process will never be able to be cached in
> memory completely...

I see your point. Running Gnome on a 64MB box means you have most
of the pages that are "warm" (using my definition), so there's little
room for "cold" (new) pages, and maybe they don't get a chance of
being accessed a second time before they are evicted, which leads to
thrashing if you're trying to start something really big (well, I guess
the access pattern within a typical ws is not uniformly distributed, so
some pages will get accessed twice, but I see the problem).

I'll try and make my point a bit clearer.
I was referring to background aging only. When aging
is caused by pressure, you don't make any difference between pages.
I don't know how the idea to give high values for page->age on the second
access instead of the first is going to be implemented, but I'm assuming
that new pages are going to be placed on the active list with a low age
value (PAGE_AGE_START_FIRST ?), maybe even 0 (well, I'm not a guru of
course). I'm just saying that, to avoid Mike's "problem" (which BTW
I don't believe is a big one, really), we could stop background aging
on interactive pages (short form for "pages that belong to the ws of an
interactive process") at a certain miminum age, say
 > PAGE_AGE_START_FIRST). Weighting the difference between the two
ages, you can give long-standing interactive pages some advantage vs
new pages. But they will be aged below PAGE_AGE_START_FIRST and eventually
moved to the inactive list. After all, they *are* good candidates.
Does this make some sense?

Oh, yes, since that PAGE_AGE_BG_INTERACTIVE_MINIMUM is applied only
when background aging, maybe it's not enough to keep processes like
updatedb from causing interactive pages to be evicted.
That's why I said we should have another way to detect that kind of
activity... well, the application could just let us know (no need to
embed an autotuning-genetic-page-replacement-optimizer into the kernel).
We should just drop all FS metadata accessed by updatedb, since we
know that's one-shot only, without raising pressure at all. Just like
(not that I'm proposing it) putting those "one-shot" pages directly on
the inactive-clean list instead of the active list. How an application
could declare such a behaviour is an open question, of course. Maybe it's
even possible to detect it. And BTW that's really fine tuning.
Evicting an 8 hours old page may be a mistake sometime, but it's never
a *big* mistake.

> Rik
> --
> Virtual memory is like a game you can't win;
> However, without VM there's truly nothing to lose...
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