This type of invasive marketing is why people aren't going to be buying MS
products.  (Not al people, just those who choose.)  If you want to be a MS
user, they have you over a barrel, if you *have* to use MS products, they
have you over a barrel.  Some folks, myself included, have to use MS
products to get our work done.  Our employer gives us no choice, but when we
get home in the evenings, that choice is modified somewhat.  I have 2
desktop machines, one runs Redhat 7.0, the other Window ME.  I use them for
completely different purposes.  The WinME machine is used for stuff at the
office, the Redhat machine is my programming machine, also for the office,
(but they don't know that).  Windows users have a choice.  They can stay
where they are, or move on.  This means learning Linux, the Mac, or buying
into MS new licensing agreement.  I've made my choice.  That's why I'm on
this mailing list.  The best thing for users to do, is let MS be who they
are, and if they want to get into this licensing scam that MS is forcing on
them, so be it.  Be quiet about it, or at least complain to MS.  Their users
are going to have to force them to change their stance.  It won't come from
the linux-kernel mailing list.

Greg Rollins
Network Administrator
Teksouth Corp.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ted Unangst
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 10:39 AM
To: Dmitri Pogosyan
Subject: Re: The latest Microsoft FUD. This time from BillG, himself.

On Sat, 30 Jun 2001, Dmitri Pogosyan wrote:

> Well, this is an old as world argument used to take your freedom away -
> 'law obeying citizens have nothing to fear'

except that you are opting in, by purchasing the product.

> Why not allow police to search your car at every moment they wish ?
> If you have nothing to hide, it is just a minor inconvenience, but how
> many criminals will be caught !  Let us put permanent roadblocks at
> every
> entrance to the cities !

microsoft != government.  the us constitution only applies to government,
not private industries, and certainly wouldn't help you, in canada.

> And now I have to ask permission every time I put my own purchased CD in
> my computer and explain and prove that I'm not a pirate.  Speak about
> living in freedom.

you purchased it, meaning you wanted it.  nobody, except maybe your boss
made you buy it, and then you can always get a new job.  you have as much
freedom as you want, don't use ms products if you don't like them.


"I promise you a police car on every sidewalk."
      - M. Barry Mayor of Washington, DC

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