On 10/01/2013 11:31 PM, Stephen Boyd wrote:
On 09/27/13 03:52, Daniel Lezcano wrote:
The sleep_length is computed in the tick_nohz_stop_sched_tick function but it
is used later in the code with in between the local irq enabled.

   tick_nohz_idle_enter         [ exits with local irq enabled ]

      menu_select               [ uses here 'sleep_length' ]

Between the computation of the sleep length and its usage, some interrupts
can occur, making the sleep length shorter than actually it is.

This patch fixes that by moving the sleep_length computation in the
tick_nohz_get_sleep_length function and store the next_event for the device
instead of the sleep_length.

Signed-off-by: Daniel Lezcano <daniel.lezc...@linaro.org>
  include/linux/tick.h     |    2 +-
  kernel/time/tick-sched.c |    5 +++--
  2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/linux/tick.h b/include/linux/tick.h
index 5128d33..4932004 100644
--- a/include/linux/tick.h
+++ b/include/linux/tick.h
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ struct tick_sched {
        ktime_t                         idle_exittime;
        ktime_t                         idle_sleeptime;
        ktime_t                         iowait_sleeptime;
-       ktime_t                         sleep_length;
+       ktime_t                         next_event;
        unsigned long                   last_jiffies;
        unsigned long                   next_jiffies;
        ktime_t                         idle_expires;

Documentation update?

diff --git a/kernel/time/tick-sched.c b/kernel/time/tick-sched.c
index 3612fc7..2007a7f 100644
--- a/kernel/time/tick-sched.c
+++ b/kernel/time/tick-sched.c
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ static ktime_t tick_nohz_stop_sched_tick(struct tick_sched 
        ts->next_jiffies = next_jiffies;
        ts->last_jiffies = last_jiffies;
-       ts->sleep_length = ktime_sub(dev->next_event, now);
+       ts->next_event = dev->next_event;

        return ret;
@@ -837,8 +837,9 @@ void tick_nohz_irq_exit(void)
  ktime_t tick_nohz_get_sleep_length(void)
        struct tick_sched *ts = &__get_cpu_var(tick_cpu_sched);
+       ktime_t now = ktime_get();

-       return ts->sleep_length;
+       return ktime_sub(ts->next_event, now);

  static void tick_nohz_restart(struct tick_sched *ts, ktime_t now)

What happens if the idling CPU's next_event is updated via that
interrupt? Say if the interrupt handler schedules a timer to fire before
the next timer on the CPU? It looks like we won't notice that.

Yes, or after.

It sounds like this issue also occurs with the current code, no ?

Perhaps it's better to do this instead?

  ktime_t tick_nohz_get_sleep_length(void)
        struct tick_sched *ts = &__get_cpu_var(tick_cpu_sched);
+       ktime_t now = ktime_get();
+       struct clock_event_device *dev = __get_cpu_var(tick_cpu_device).evtdev;

-       return ts->sleep_length;
+       return ktime_sub(dev->next_event, now);

Yes, I agree.

Thanks for the review.

  -- Daniel

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