Linus Torvalds wrote:
> As far as I can tell, the yenta code should _really_ do something like
>         PCI_PROMARY_BUS:        dev->subordinate->primary
>         PCI_SECONDARY_BUS:      dev->subordinate->secondary
>         PCI_SUBORDINATE_BUS:    dev->subordinate->subordinate
>         PCI_SEC_LATENCY_TIMER:  preferably settable, not just hardcoded to 176

Ah, nice.  That produces numbers on my laptop that look a bit better. 
Patch attached (which conflicts with the previous yenta.c patch).

I left 176 hardcoded for now, pending thinking on the rest of your

Jeff Garzik      | Andre the Giant has a posse.
Building 1024    |
MandrakeSoft     |
Index: drivers/pcmcia/yenta.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/gkernel/linux_2_4/drivers/pcmcia/yenta.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -r1. yenta.c
--- drivers/pcmcia/yenta.c      2001/06/16 19:21:56
+++ drivers/pcmcia/yenta.c      2001/06/16 21:09:40
@@ -644,9 +644,9 @@
        config_writeb(socket, PCI_LATENCY_TIMER, 168);
        config_writel(socket, PCI_PRIMARY_BUS,
                (176 << 24) |                      /* sec. latency timer */
-               (dev->subordinate->number << 16) | /* subordinate bus */
-               (dev->subordinate->number << 8) |  /* secondary bus */
-               dev->bus->number);                 /* primary bus */
+               (dev->subordinate->subordinate << 16) | /* subordinate bus */
+               (dev->subordinate->secondary << 8) |  /* secondary bus */
+               dev->subordinate->primary);                /* primary bus */
         * Set up the bridging state:

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