On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Walter Hofmann wrote:

> Ok, I managed to press SysRq-T this time ond got a trace for my hang.
> Symbols are resolved by klog. If you prefer ksymopps please tell me, I
> used klog because ksymopps seems to drop all lines without symbols.

Someone else might want that and/or a complete trace.  I can see enough
to say it looks an awful lot like a little gremlin that's been plagueing
me off and on for months. (off at the moment. if he moved into your box,
you can keep him.. I don't want him back:))

> There seem to be no kernel deamons in the trace? Is this normal, or is
> the log buffer too small? If it is the latter, how can I increase its
> size?

I don't think it matters much.  I strongly suspect we'd just see more
of the same.  Try commenting out the current->policy |= SCHED_YIELD in
__alloc_pages() just for grins (more or less).

>  6  5  1  77232   2692   2136  47004 560 892  2048  1524 10428 285529   2  98   0
Was disk running?  (I bet not.. bet it stopped just after stall began)


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