> > You can scream all you want that "it isn't free software" but the fact
> > of the matter is that you all scream that and then go do your slides for
> > your Linux talks in PowerPoint.
> I think this is an unfair generalization.
Not really. In Linus's book he describes that his presentations used to be
(and possibly still are?) done in powerpoint. In fact at one point he says
"thank god for Microsoft". Given the context, I'm not sure if he was
joking or not. Not that it matters. I share Linus's opinion that it's not
an issue of hating Microsoft. It's an issue of keeping your energies
focused on progress because Microsoft will be irrelevant in the very near
The momentum is on our side...
Chuck Wolber | steward: "Are you the pilot?"
System Administrator | pilot: "Yes, why?"
AltaServ Corporation | steward, handing box to pilot: "Then this is for you."
(425)576-1202 | pilot, looking inside box: "Oh, it's a new altimeter."
ten.vresatla@wkcuhc | --Chris Kennedy
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