> Daniel Phillips wrote:
> > Yep, the only thing left to resolve is whether Jeff had coffee or not.
> >
> > -       if ((card->mpuout = kmalloc(sizeof(struct emu10k1_mpuout),
> > +       if ((card->mpuout = kmalloc(sizeof(*card->mpuout), GFP_KERNEL))
> Yeah, this is fine.  The original posted omitted the '*' which was not
> fine :)

The only other thing left to ask, is which is easier to read when glancing
through the code, and which is easier to read when maintaining the code.
imho, ist the former for reading the code, i dont know about maintaing the
code since i dont do that, however in my own projects i prefere the former
when maintaing the code.

What are others oppinions on this ?


Dave Flynn

> --
> Jeff Garzik      | Andre the Giant has a posse.
> Building 1024    |
> MandrakeSoft     |

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