Just noticed:
On Sat, 16 Jun 2001, Christian Robottom Reis wrote:
> Steps to reproduce problem:
> * Run large ( > 2MB works ) ftp transfer in box.
> * ssh in from another box and attempt an ls -lR /
Note below:
> * 2.2.19 with Donald's eepro100.c scyld:network/
> Hard lock (seems to take longer to hang) - it also creates
> 8 devices eth0-eth7!
> * 2.2.19 with Donald's eepro100.c fromscyld:network/test/
> Hard lock (pretty fast) - no multiple creation bugs
Actually, they don't hang _immediately_. They report:
eth0: Transmit timed out: status 0050 0000 at 6022/6034 commands 000c0000
000c0000 000c0000
Command 0000 was not immediately accepted, 10001 ticks!
And the ssh connection stalls but does on trying (it eventually hangs, but
not after a lot of errors are reported on the problem-box's console)
And then the box hard locks. Interesting to see that only when I run the
ssh ls -lR is that any error at all is produced. The lockups I was seeing
were all interactive use and I never really noticed if errors were showing
up or not; I just assumed they weren'.
Any help you can provide is very much appreciated. I'm about to try
Intel's drivers to see how they do.
Take care,
/\/\ Christian Reis, Senior Engineer, Async Open Source, Brazil
~\/~ http://async.com.br/~kiko/ | [+55 16] 274 4311
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