Try commenting out the AUX_RECONNECT block on line 406 in pc_keyb.c
else if(scancode == AUX_RECONNECT){
queue->head = queue->tail = 0; /* Flush input queue */
__aux_write_ack(AUX_ENABLE_DEV); /* ping the mouse :) */
and let me know what happens..
Vladimir Dergachev
PS please CC me as I read this list only occasionally (too much traffic).
On Fri, 15 Jun 2001, David Ashley wrote:
> Under linux 2.4.1 if I move the mouse slow enough it doesn't register at all
> in Xwindows. If I unplug the ps2 mouse and plug it back in, it works
> perfectly, no matter how slowly I move it the movement is registered. It
> is as if the linux kernel is imposing a threshold on the movement.
> Under windows it works fine. The problem is in linux.
> I've tried modifying pc_keyb.c code by sending an F6 byte to set defaults,
> using the aux_write_ack function in open_aux(), but that doesn't have any
> effect. Does anyone have a clue what the driver is doing to reduce the
> quality of the mouse? I'm not sure it is limited to this particular mouse,
> it is just the one I just bought at Fry's for $10.
> I'm running an athlon 1 gig, /proc/version is
> Linux version 2.4.1 (root@dave) (gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2
>release)) #17 Fri Jun 15 20:15:45 PDT 2001
> Thanks!
> -Dave
> -
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