On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, John Stoffel wrote:

> >>>>> "Tobias" == Tobias Ringstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tobias> On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Mike Galbraith wrote:
> >> I gave this a shot at my favorite vm beater test (make -j30 bzImage)
> >> while testing some other stuff today.
> Tobias> Could you please explain what is good about this test?  I
> Tobias> understand that it will stress the VM, but will it do so in a
> Tobias> realistic and relevant way?
> I agree, this isn't really a good test case.  I'd rather see what
> happens when you fire up a gimp session to edit an image which is
> *almost* the size of RAM, or even just 50% the size of ram.  Then how
> does that affect your other processes that are running at the same
> time?

OK, riddle me this.  If this test is a crummy test, just how is it
that I was able to warn Rik in advance that when 2.4.5 was released,
he should expect complaints?  How did I _know_ that?  The answer is
that I fiddle with Rik's code a lot, and I test with this test because
it tells me a lot.  It may not tell you anything, but it does me.


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