Em Sex 25 Mai 2001 20:05, Alan Cox escreveu:
> > Why there are two different kernel trees? There is always the official
> > release, provided by Torvalds, and then Alan provides a patch merging
> > Linus's stuff, and adding (?) tons of bug fixes.
> Well it started by accident but it turns out good to have a tree that
> changes are merged into, tested by those who need the fixes and reviewed by
> third parties before they go to Linus.
> So the -ac tree is kind of a peer review, testing and distillation process
> for patches.
But will this happen forever? You (Alan) is currently the maintaner of the
2.2 tree. Won't you be going to assume the 2.4 tree, while the 2.5 series
development starts?
BTW, Thanks for your answer.
Thiago Vinhas de Moraes
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