>>>>> " " == Roland Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> No, I have no port specific rules in the firewall (iptables),
> but this machine does SNAT for 32 other linux boxes which also
> get some directories from the same server (including YP). I had
> some trouble with the YPSERV-calls until I bound two more IPs
> to the network card and masqueraded the 32 boxes via these
> additional addresses. What might happen is that the specific
> port gets allocated by some port remapping in iptables during
> the request, but I don't see why this should happen only for
> specific directories (e.g. /home works and /compass doesn't
> while both are from the same server).
Are /home and /compass on the same mount point on the client though?
If not, then they won't share the same port.
IOW: they will only share the same port if you have '/' as the NFS
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