The following patch generates saner Ctags and will build cscope
output. It's against 2.4.5
--- Makefile.old Mon May 28 22:44:01 2001
+++ Makefile Wed May 30 17:50:01 2001
@@ -334,11 +334,32 @@
# Exuberant ctags works better with -I
tags: dummy
- CTAGSF=`ctags --version | grep -i exuberant >/dev/null && echo "-I
__initdata,__exitdata,EXPORT_SYMBOL,EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS"`; \
+ CTAGSF=`ctags --version | grep -i exuberant >/dev/null && echo "--sort=no -I
+__initdata,__exitdata,EXPORT_SYMBOL,EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS"`; \
ctags $$CTAGSF `find include/asm-$(ARCH) -name '*.h'` && \
- find include -type d \( -name "asm-*" -o -name config \) -prune -o -name '*.h'
-print | xargs ctags $$CTAGSF -a && \
+ find include -type f -name '*.h' -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 \
+ | grep -v include/asm- | grep -v include/config \
+ | xargs -r ctags $$CTAGSF -a && \
+ find include -type f -name '*.h' -mindepth 3 -maxdepth 3 \
+ | grep -v include/asm- | grep -v include/config \
+ | xargs -r ctags $$CTAGSF -a && \
+ find include -type f -name '*.h' -mindepth 4 -maxdepth 4 \
+ | grep -v include/asm- | grep -v include/config \
+ | xargs -r ctags $$CTAGSF -a && \
+ find include -type f -name '*.h' -mindepth 5 -maxdepth 5 \
+ | grep -v include/asm- | grep -v include/config \
+ | xargs -r ctags $$CTAGSF -a && \
find $(SUBDIRS) init -name '*.c' | xargs ctags $$CTAGSF -a
+ mv tags tags.unsorted
+ LC_ALL=C sort -k 1,1 -s tags.unsorted > tags
+ rm tags.unsorted
+cscope: dummy
+ find include/asm-$(ARCH) -name '*.h' >cscope.files
+ find include $(SUBDIRS) init -type f -name '*.[ch]' \
+ | grep -v include/asm- | grep -v include/config >> cscope.files
+ cscope -b -I include
MODFLAGS += -DMODVERSIONS -include $(HPATH)/linux/modversions.h
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