On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 11:55:24AM -0400, John Chris Wren wrote:
> select will not be altered. In Linux, which claims BSD compliancy for this
> in the man page (but does not state either way what will happen to the
> bits), zeros the users bit masks when a timeout occurs. I have written a
Where in the man page does it state this? I just read it and couldn't find
any such statement.
I do, however, find the following:
exceptfds will be watched for exceptions. On exit, the
sets are modified in place to indicate which descriptors
actually changed status.
If there is a time out, it makes sense that no descriptors changed state,
and so everything would be zeroed out.
And actually, the example seems to support this:
if (retval)
printf("Data is available now.\n");
/* FD_ISSET(0, &rfds) will be true. */
The comment seems to indicate that if retval is 0, then FD_ISSET will be
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