This patch fixes a race condition whereby the process can be caused to
sleep indefinitely. The problem occurs when the process is preempted
after having set its state to TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE but before starting the

Disabling preemption until the alarm has been set solves this problem.

A second problem may occur if the process reaches the alarm_cancel call
while still being in TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE. I do not see how this could
possibly happen (if schedule returns, the state is TASK_RUNNING; if
schedule is never called, the wakeup callback must have woken the
process (data==NULL) thereby setting its state to TASK_RUNNING) but
the code is clearly written under the assumption that it can happen.
In this case, the state must be set to TASK_RUNNING after the alarm
has been canceled for the same reasons as above.

Signed-off-by: Marcus Gelderie <>
 kernel/time/alarmtimer.c | 6 +++++-
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/kernel/time/alarmtimer.c b/kernel/time/alarmtimer.c
index f11d83b..81c8b31 100644
--- a/kernel/time/alarmtimer.c
+++ b/kernel/time/alarmtimer.c
@@ -585,15 +585,19 @@ static int alarmtimer_do_nsleep(struct alarm *alarm, 
ktime_t absexp)
        alarm->data = (void *)current;
        do {
+               preempt_disable();
                alarm_start(alarm, absexp);
+               preempt_enable_no_resched();
                if (likely(alarm->data))
+               preempt_disable();
+               __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
+               preempt_enable_no_resched();
        } while (alarm->data && !signal_pending(current));
-       __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
        return (alarm->data == NULL);

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