I'm struggling to determine if AUTORTS mode is currently supported in 3.10 ?

I have dug into the source code, and can see various references to the relevant 
in the various UART registers, but I'm at a lose as to how to actually *enable* 
mode !!

In drivers/tty/omap-serial.c serial_omap_set_termios() we have:-

        if (termios->c_cflag & CRTSCTS && up->port.flags & UPF_HARD_FLOW) {
                /* Enable AUTORTS and AUTOCTS */
                up->efr |= UART_EFR_CTS | UART_EFR_RTS;

                /* Ensure MCR RTS is asserted */
                up->mcr |= UART_MCR_RTS;
        } else {

So it looks like I need to set the CRTSCTS and UPF_HARD_FLOW flags.

>From userspace, I've tried:-

$ stty -F /dev/ttyO2 crtscts

But I've not idea how to enable UPF_HARD_FLOW !?!

Can anyone point me in the right direction ?

Mark J.
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