At the risk of offending hundreds, I'll mention that dynamic naming of
disks and tapes has worked very well for many years in VMS.  When you e.g.
mount a disk volume labelled FOO, the system creates a system logical name
DISK$FOO: for it automagically.  Users don't care that it's really
$4$DUA7: (which is *really* disk#5 on one HSCxx controller and disk#2 on
another one).  When you open DISK$FOO:[some.where]some.file , the kernel
knows what you meant.

Substitute ephemeral device special files for the system logical names and
you've got something like what's being discussed here.

Mind you, when that AI-thingy, I forget the name, suspects an impending
failure and wants to send me mail about it, *it* needs some way to tell me
which physical device needs replacing, so that I don't remove the wrong
one.  So physical locations have value, but only in special circumstances.
Ordinary end-use and daily system administration shouldn't employ them.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Make a good day.

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