Richard Gooch wrote:
> >
> > Because you are now, once again, tying two things that are
> > completely and utterly unrelated: device classification and device
> > name. It breaks every time someone comes out with a new device
> > which is "kind of like an old device, but not really," like
> > CD-writers (which was kind-of-like WORM, kind-of-like CD-ROM) and
> > DVD (kind-of-like CD)...
> But all devices which export a CD-ROM interface will do so. So the
> device node that is associated with the CD-ROM driver will export
> CD-ROM semantics, and the trailing name will be "/cd".
> Other interfaces a device exports, such as a CD-RW, appear as a
> different device node ("generic" for SCSI, because we have no CD-RW
> classification at this point).
> My scheme works already, and works reliably. Nothing had to be done to
> support the CD-ROM interface to CD-RW and DVD devices.
It's still completely braindamaged: (a) these interfaces aren't
disjoint. They refer to the same device, and will interfere with each
other; (b) it is highly undesirable to tie the naming to the interfaces
in this way. It further restricts the namespaces you can export, for one
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