On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 5:31 AM, MobinNet <sasupp...@mobinnet.net> wrote:
> luke.leighton,

 yes, automated service that i was subscribed to without my
authorisation or permission: what can i do you for?

> This email concerns your recent ticket: Re: [Arm-netbook] getting allwinner
> SoC support upstream (was Re: Uploading linux (3.9.4-1)) (TCI-363-37182)
> As part of our commitment to improving your customer support experience, we
> would like to know how you think we are doing.

 sure. you're sending unsolicited messages to a number of technical
lists, using an automated service.  generally this is considered to be
Bad.  these technical lists are archived forever so the mistake that
has been made is one which is irreversible, leaving a permanent and
uneraseable public record.

> You are invited to complete a short satisfaction survey consisting of just a
> few multiple-choice questions.

 i'm pleased to observe that it's an invitation not an order: i
decline.  please don't ever send out such "invitations" ever again.

 much obliged.


[btw if someone subscribed my email address without my authorisation,
the joke appears to have backfired]
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