
On Sun, Jun 09, 2013 at 03:59:44AM +0200, Pavel Machek wrote:
> I'd like to convert Nokia N900 to device tree.
> Unfortunately, serial port is not easily available (very special cable
> would be needed, does someone know where to get one?) and I don't have
> BDI (and very special cable would be needed, too).
> So I tried doing very small first step, hoping that I get booting
> system... obviously I did not.

The following works for me, it's enough to boot and get the USB networking
working. After that I can connect to the device with ssh. I don't use
serial either, I just have initramfs with busybox+dropbear with hardcoded
interface setup.



/include/ "omap34xx.dtsi"

/ {
        model = "Nokia N900";
        compatible = "nokia,omap3-n900", "ti,omap3";

        cpus {
                cpu@0 {
                        cpu0-supply = <&vcc>;

        memory {
                device_type = "memory";
                reg = <0x80000000 0x10000000>; /* 256 MB */


&i2c1 {
        clock-frequency = <2200000>;

        twl: twl@48 {
                reg = <0x48>;
                interrupts = <7>; /* SYS_NIRQ cascaded to intc */
                interrupt-parent = <&intc>;

/include/ "twl4030.dtsi"

&twl_gpio {
        ti,pullups      = <0x0>;
        ti,pulldowns    = <0x03ff3f>; /* BIT(0..5) | BIT(8..17) */

&i2c2 {
        clock-frequency = <400000>;

&i2c3 {
        clock-frequency = <100000>;

&mmc1 {
        status = "disabled";

&mmc2 {
        status = "disabled";

&mmc3 {
        status = "disabled";

&usb_otg_hs {
        interface-type = <0>;
        usb-phy = <&usb2_phy>;
        mode = <2>;
        power = <50>;
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